QRZ! Ham Radio 3
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 3.iso
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287 lines
Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.misc
From: j_otterson@star.enet.dec.com (Jeff Otterson/N1KDO)
Subject: Re: FT530 mods wanted!
Message-ID: <1992Dec31.140555.24650@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
Lines: 65
Sender: j_otterson@otters.enet.dec.com (Jeff Otterson/N1KDO)
Reply-To: j_otterson@star.enet.dec.com
Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation, Nashua, NH, USA
References: <1992Dec30.215515.364@random.ccs.northeastern.edu>
Distribution: usa
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1992 14:05:55 GMT
This is copied verbatim from the mod sheet I received with my rig...
Expanded Receive 110-180, 300-500 MHz
Expanded Transmit 130-180, 400-470 MHz
o Remove Antenna and Battery.
o Remove four screws on bottom holding battery track.
o Remove the four (black) screws holding rear case.
o Slowly... open the front cover from tranceiver and lay both halves on table.
o Note positioning of white paper insulator in right half of radio and lift out
(don't throw away)
o Carefully locate Jumper Pad 13 and remove solder.
o Re-install white paper insulator, make sure ground tab slides through the
paper insulator.
o Close radio back up (Careful not to pinch the ribbon cable near lithium
battery when closing halves).
o Re-install the four (black) screws holding rear case.
o Re-install the four (small silver) screws on bottom holding battery track to
radio body.
o Attach Antenna and Battery.
o Turn off Radio.... Press and hold both arrow keys while turning on the Radio.
o Modification Complete.
| |
| |
| |
| |
| --- |
| | | |
| --- /
| --- /
| | | / 2 (|) (|) 1
| --- / 4 (|) (|) 3
| / <--- Jumpers are here 6 (|) (|) 5
| o / 8 (|) (|) 7
----------------- Blowup ---> 10 (|) (|) 9
12 (|) (|) 11
14 (|) (|) 13
16 (|) (|) 15
In side the rig, it really did not look quite like that ... more like this:
... 12 (|) (|) 11
(|) 13
16 (|) (|) 15
In addition to the published receive expansion, it also receives 800-950 MHz...
trunking radio, cell phone (I would *never* listen to that), 33cm ham band...
Have fun!
| Jeff Otterson | The opinions expressed here are |
| j_otterson@star.enet.dec.com | mine. Noone else should be held |
| Digital Equipment Corporation | responsible for my actions. |
| 110 Spit Brook Rd. Nashua, NH | CENSORSHIP IS THE TOOL OF TYRANTS |
From: genew@techbook.techbook.com (Gene Wolford)
Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.misc
Subject: FT-530 mods. Here they are.
Date: 10 Jun 1993 18:14:56 -0700
Organization: TECHbooks Public Access
Lines: 116
Message-ID: <1v8mag$68g@techbook.techbook.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: techbook.techbook.com
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]
This is a compilation of modification information I received in response to
my posted query and the info faxed to me by Yaesu.
There are at least 2 board layouts out there.
Note that while the jumper pad numbers have not changed, the board positions
of the pads have.
Expanded Receive 110-180, 300-500 MHz
Expanded Transmit 130-180, 400-470 MHz
NOT LEGAL IN U.S.A - FOR EXPORT ONLY (The expanded transmit part)
o Keep that magnifying glass handy! 8-)
o Be aware that your repeater memories, ect. will be erased. :-(
o Remove Antenna and Battery.
o Remove four screws on bottom holding battery track.
o Remove the four (black) screws holding rear case.
o Slowly... open the front cover from tranceiver and lay both halves on
o Note positioning of white paper insulator in right half of radio and
lift out
(don't throw away)
o Carefully locate Jumper Pad 13 and remove solder.
o NOTE: If you wish to restrict transmit to the ham band,
Carefully locate Jumper Pad 15 and remove solder.
Otherwise, leave pad 15 in place.
o Re-install white paper insulator, make sure ground tab slides through the
paper insulator.
o Close radio back up (Careful not to pinch the ribbon cable near lithium
battery when closing halves).
o Re-install the four (black) screws holding rear case.
o Re-install the four (small silver) screws on bottom holding battery track
to radio body.
o Attach Antenna and Battery.
o Turn off Radio.... Press and hold both arrow keys while turning on the
o Modification Complete.
| |
| |
| |
| |
| --- |
| | | |
| --- / rev. 12-21-92
| --- /
| | | / 2 (|) (|) 1
| --- / 4 (|) (|) 3
| / <--- Jumpers are here 6 (|) (|) 5
| o / 8 (|) (|) 7
----------------- Blowup ---> 10 (|) (|) 9
12 (|) (|) 11
14 (|) (|) 13
16 (|) (|) 15
| |
| |
| |
| |
| --- |
| | | |
| --- / rev. 5-14-93
| --- /
| | | / (|) (|)
| --- / (|) (|)
| / <--- Jumpers are here (|) (|)
| o / (|) (|)
----------------- Blowup ---> (|) (|) __
12 (|) (|) 11 | | 6 pin mini IC
(|) 13 |__|
16 (|) [] 15
Pad 15 now a vertical pad with a tiny
"zero ohm" resistor.
My rig got confused after this mod and it was neccessary to reset the
CPU. (The 70cm repeater offset register got fouled up and though it could
be incremented and decremented by the normal 50khz,
it went 0.01mhz, 0.06, 0.11, ect. instead of 0.00mhz, 0.05, 0.10, ect.).
Reset command: turn radio on while holding "MR" and "FM"
(Damn, memories erased again!)
If anyone figures out how to receive higher freqs, say up to 800-950mhz,
(so I can listen to the 900mhz ham band of course), 8-)
please let me know!
From: levine@mc.com (Bob Levine)
Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.misc
Subject: Re: Yaesu FT-530 or Alinco DJ-580T?
Date: 14 Jul 1993 13:39:12 GMT
Organization: Mercury Computer Systems, Inc.
Lines: 97
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <2212a0$rop@jericho.mc.com>
References: <CA46o1.FLF@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>
Reply-To: levine@mc.com
NNTP-Posting-Host: fugu.mc.com
In article FLF@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU, jeg7e@livia.acs.Virginia.EDU (Jon Gefaell) writes:
>In article <21ulmt$4jn@jericho.mc.com> levine@mc.com writes:
>>>How do you enable tone burst? I called Yaesu a few months ago and they had
>>>no idea, and I haven't seen a mod to do that elsewhere, only the extended
>>>transmit and receive mods (which were, as you say, easy, but you need a
>>>soldering iron with a tiny tip).
>>>Post Office Box Box 281107 San Francisco, California 94128 USA
>>Yes, use a small tip low power soldering iron and trim some solder-wick
>>so that the end of the piece is about 1/16" and that will suck up the
>>solder bridge joining pad 12 nicely with no mess.
>Jumper 12?
>>I got the mod sheet from HRO when I bought the HT.
>The first mod sheet HRO had talked about J13, but then they sent
>out an update which was for extended rx only (i.e. it said to
>remove both 13 AND 15) but didn't mention just removing 13 for
>ext. tx.
>I'd appreciate it if you could post the details of the mod sheet you
>received if it differs from the above, especialy useful would be a
>mod to eliminate the fixed 12.5Kc step in the 800-950 range, even
>nicer would be something enabling a 30Kc step. Of course, I don't
>know how that would be useful, but it would be nice to have :) :) :)
> ______
> \ \ / Jon Gefaell, Computer Systems Engineer | Amateur Radio - KD4CQY
> \/\/ Information Technology and Communications | -Will chmod for food-
> \/ The University of Virginia, Charlottesville | Hacker@Virginia.EDU
>The opinions expressed herein are not intended to be construed as those of UVA
You are correct, I should have said REMOVE jumper 13 to get rx 110-180,
300-500, and 800-950. Also tx 130-180 and 400-472.
However the mod sheet DOES say jump pad 12 for tone burst.
I will gladly send a copy of it to anyone who sends me a sase.
Newsgroups: rec.radio.info,rec.radio.amateur.misc,rec.radio.amateur.equipment
From: wa2ise@netcom.com (Robert Casey)
Subject: FT530 mod file, extra important step before reset
Message-ID: <wa2iseCAwuL0.EL@netcom.com>
Followup-To: rec.radio.amateur.equipment
Keywords: mod file
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1993 23:14:59 -0600
Lines: 14
Approved: rec-radio-info@ve6mgs.ampr.ab.ca
Xref: elroy.jpl.nasa.gov rec.radio.info:1905 rec.radio.amateur.misc:44263 rec.radio.amateur.equipment:271
copied from packet:
Originally-To: MODS@ALLUSA
Subject: FT 530 mods add on info
As you all know the mod for the Yeasu FT-530 is to remove the jumper #13. The
next step is very important and a few mod plans don't mention. The CPU needs
to be reset by holding the UP and DOWN keys while turning the radio on. Before
you do the reset, remember to remove all power sources to this radio and wait
for the rig to completely discharged prior to the reset. If the rig is not
totally discharged, the mod will not work. Good luck
Note: I haven't tried or verified this, proceed at your own risk. WA2ISE